
Modification of xylene resin with p-tert butylphenol
Detailed Introduction:

With the rapid development of technology, resin modification research in the field of materials science is increasingly attracting people's attention. Xylene resin, as a common synthetic resin, has a wide range of applications in various fields. In order to improve the performance of xylene resin, researchers are constantly trying various modification methods. As an important additive, it plays a crucial role in the modification of xylene resin. P-tert butylphenol, also known as 4-tert butylphenol, is an organic compound with phenolic hydroxyl groups and tert butyl substituents. It has good thermal stability and antioxidant properties, which can effectively resist the erosion of ultraviolet rays and oxidants. In addition, tert butylphenol also has good solubility and compatibility, making it easy to mix with other resins and additives.
1. Improving thermal stability: Tert butyl substituents can effectively prevent the oxidation reaction of phenolic hydroxyl groups, thereby improving the thermal stability of xylene resin. This enables the modified xylene resin to maintain excellent performance in high-temperature environments.
2. Enhanced antioxidant performance: Tert butylphenol has excellent antioxidant performance and can effectively resist the erosion of oxidative factors such as oxygen and ultraviolet radiation. Adding it to xylene resin can improve its antioxidant performance and extend its service life.
3. Improving processing performance: It can improve the processing performance of xylene resin, reduce its viscosity, and increase its fluidity. This makes the resin easier to shape and shape during the processing, which is beneficial for improving production efficiency.
4. Enhanced compatibility: Tert butylphenol has good compatibility with other resins and additives, which can promote the movement of molecular chain segments within the resin system, thereby improving the toughness, strength, and impact resistance of the resin.
Through comparative experiments, it can be found that the thermal stability, antioxidant performance, processing performance, and compatibility of xylene resin with the addition of p-tert butylphenol have been improved. Experimental data shows that increasing the content of p-tert butylphenol within a certain range can continuously improve the performance of xylene resin. However, when its content exceeds a certain limit, it may have adverse effects on the performance of the resin. Therefore, in practical applications, it is necessary to optimize the amount of tert butylphenol added according to specific needs.
Tert butylphenol has the effects of improving thermal stability, enhancing oxidation resistance, improving processing performance, and enhancing compatibility in the modification of xylene resin. This provides new ideas and methods for the modification research of xylene resin, which helps to improve the performance of xylene resin and expand its application fields. In future research, we can further explore the synergistic effects between p-tert butylphenol and other modifiers, in order to obtain xylene resin composite materials with better performance.

Published:Apr.19.2024  Viewed:302